Tuesday, 22 May 2012

I live close to Sherbrooke Forest and often walk the Sherbrooke Fall's track with my friend Anne. 
Anne spotted a lyrebird on the track last week, the day I couldn't make the walk of course! What a treat for her to see a Lyrebird...it's a rare thing these days! 
I've been lucky enough to sight 2 in the 27 years I've lived up here!!!

Anyway, with the weather turning cold,  it's still worth getting muddy shoe's and walking the track in the mornings...because the forest is just so beautiful....and you just might get to see a Lyrebird!

Something quite magical about this forest...being surrounded by plants with names like... Fairy Lanterns, Mistletoe, Gypsy Ferns,  Cinnamon Bells, Love Creeper, Weeping Grass & Maidenhair Fern.

The tall ferns are growing thick green winter coats of  miniture ferns and moss...

And yes there is a waterfall and bridge to stop by, before the walk back.

I never forget to "look up".

Must look up!  Stunning skyscraper!

Found the below video on Youtube... amazing bird, the Lyrebird!

I hope to see one soon...wish me luck!

Till next time