Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Still looking through the tree's...

So with chainsaws and bulldozers clearing a 5m wide firebreak right along my walking track of 20 something years, I'm leaving...
...and going to be doing some city living for the next few weeks. I didn't plan it that way, it was just timing in my favour!

Planning to do lots whilst closer to the Melbourne CBD,  including seeing William Kentridge Five Themes at acmi.

I don't drink lots of coffee, but when I do I like it to be not just good, but great!!! so I will be checking out a few of the cafes I've been wanting to visit... and some only walking distance from where I'm staying!

So not much studio work from me over the next few weeks...but if my cat keeps pursuing her printmaking interests, you may get to see something more from her!
Here's a sneak peak on what shes been up too lately...

Titled "Pause"  on  concrete studio floor!