Pink Skies series, photopolymer etching
I'm in my studio and happy to say quite consistently lately.
Funny, after all the travelling I've done in the last few years, one would think I would be producing work that was influenced by these adventures to far away lands...but no, not to be, well not yet anyway!
My absolute obsession right now, is the old oak tree that lives in my backyard!
It's cool shade in Summer, vivid colour in Autumn, silvery bare limbs in Winter (my fav) and fresh new growth in Spring has given me 25 years of pleasure...(that's almost half my life)
I'm not sure why my focus is the old tree right now...maybe it's something to do with a sense of place.
Or to be honest, I think the dozens of photographs I'd taken over the years of this beautiful old tree, have finally caught my eye and the whole bare limb thing really appealed to me.
Who knows and who cares anyway...because the good thing is I'm working.
Nice to be able to say I have a group show booked in for November of this year too...will post details of it closer to the date.
Other news is I caught up with Steph Bolt a wonderful artist and friend I met in Greece last year.
Steph has a beautiful new website here.
Til next time