Thursday, 5 January 2012


Any resolves? Not for me this year...I haven't anything to resolve... ha ha!


Eftixismenos o kainourios xronos..."happy new year" to all.

I'm kick starting the year with a  short trip over to Adelaide, where I am  going to learn the basics of Photopolymer Printmaking with a print maker who is an expert in this technique...I'll post details and pics in a few weeks time.
I have been guided by my own photography in much of my work over the  years, one feeds the other, so to speak, funny how it's taken me this long to finally learn the technique that could marry the two.

Looking forward to using a few of the pics I took on my travels last year! 
I have lots to work with, and lot's of subject matter too...subjects around my own heritage that I look forward to the most.

"mitera"    mixed media

I have a bit more teaching on my agenda this year...glad to be getting called "back"
Planning a show with a few others too, will keep you posted!

And right now trying to gain some strength back in my right arm and hand after a problem neck disc I've been battling with! Ouch! I'm better-ish now, and getting stronger day by day! 
Don't ask me how I did it, but 2011 was a biggy in our household...

So with my "broken wing" all I've been really managing to do is a bit of gentle stuff, like collage.
